Friday, February 4, 2011

Things I Can See From Under the Snowpocalypse

I've spent the last four days barricaded inside my apartment as my city and state were slowly buried under enough snow to lightly blanket a small moon. I'm happy to report that I managed to avoid the most horrific horrors inherent in shitty Missouri weather (i.e. people who need help shoveling their driveways.) Now that I've freed myself (mostly) from my white, fluffy prison let us see what the Internet has to offer by way of amusement.

Research uses quantum mechanics to melt glass at absolute zero
If you put the word "quantum" in front of anything I usually reply with either, "Der, guh, brain hurty" or "Wow. Could I use that to blow shit up?" This article on got both reactions at the same time.

First ever aerial footage of uncontacted Amazon tribe released
Living in Media Saturation land, it's somehow comforting to know that we really haven't been everywhere and done it all. Unfortunately, these uncontacted Brazilian tribes are about to get done the same way "civilization" has been doing indigenous people since we showed up some five-hundred years ago as logging companies from the Peru side of the border are encroaching on their homelands. I recommend checking out the video as our first glimpse might be your last chance to see. Found via Hacker News

Of course, I have to include this because...well, obviously.

epic fail photos - Fox News FAIL
see more funny videos

Ohhhh!!!! While I'm here, has anyone seen Buried yet? No? You're in for a treat. Ryan Reynolds is trapped in a coffin, buried alive. That is the entire plot. Beautiful in its simplicity and terrifying in its execution. This could almost be described as the greatest 90 minute one man play ever, EVER, if not for the fact that the camera and voices on Reynold's cell phone act as characters in their own right. Here, have a trailer.

Which, for some reason the anti-piracy bastards won't allow me to embed here, so I'm just going to give you the link.

1 comment:

  1. Civilization fucked everything up. We were all at one time part of a tribe, it is in our DNA, our genetic memory. But now we are all just slaves on a corporate plantation. It is beautiful that these indigenous people still exist and heartbreaking to know they will be destroyed like all the others.
