Wednesday, October 13, 2010


My little buddy Rachael, who is currently employed at Locus Mag (the job that should be rightfully mine) found this. I thought it was worth reposting here.

Monday, October 11, 2010

I heart whiskey. I heart whiskey all over whiskey's face. and a buddy are at a bar swilling whiskey with our beers and, like a couple kids asking for five more minutes to sleep before going to school, we decide to beg the bartender for one more shot even though it's well past the cut off point and the bartender announces, much to our manly pride, that even if she could serve us we have already drank all the Jameson in the establishment.

Last thing I remember I'm berating the owner of the bar for his failure to appease the needs of his Irish-American patrons and outlining the possible downfalls of his clearly racist behavior while using a Marine Corps issue K-Bar fighting knife as a visual aid.

I get the impression that my point of argument is taken with begrudging respect just before I black out.

I regain consciousness three days later to find myself with a bloodstained sheriff's badge pinned through my nipple while I'm urinating into the upturned vagina of a Kappa Kappa Ki sorority girl with a tattoo on the small of her back that read, "This Too Shall Pass." Meanwhile, I'm thinking to myself that I understood why there was a goat in the hotel room, but who was the sick bastard who nailed all the gerbils to the wall?

Ahhh! If only I could be as young as I was.

As young as I was earlier this afternoon.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Glenn Beck VS. Donald Duck

It's funny. Some people might actually need this Donald Duck cartoon to understand what's wrong about Glenn Beck.

Found at Boing Boing