Friday, December 17, 2010

Senate to Firefighters; Suck it!

This clip has been posted everywhere but it can't be reposted enough.

The Senate decided to table the First Responder's Bill, which would provide health coverage to Firefighters, Police officers and other emergency personnel who responded to the 9/11 attacks.

Waitaminute!!! 9/11? Wasn't that, like, almost a decade ago? You mean, we still haven't taken care of those guys?

Nope. Oh, and here's the kicker. Take a guess which media outlet is the only source covering this story on TV. No, seriously, guess. Not ABC. Not CNN. Fox? Kiss my ass.

The one and only Broadcast "news" source that's even talking about this is the Daily Show. Shit you not.

Oh, and Al Jazeera.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
9/11 First Responders React to the Senate Filibuster
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire Blog</a>The Daily Show on Facebook

Found via Kung Fu Monkey.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Stem cell transplant has cured HIV infection in 'Berlin patient', say doctors

That headline deserves it's own post.

Don't let this story get buried people! The medical industry has a lot more money to make by treating the disease rather than curing it. The religious fanatics in the anti-stem cell/anti-gay/anti-anything-that-pisses-them-off crowds will have their usual issues.

Between the money and the crazy in the world you're probably going to either not hear much about this story or you're going to hear that it was a fluke and there's no actual cure here.

I call horseshit on that in advance. I call horseshit on behalf of the millions of people who've died or become infected or widowed or orphaned as a result of this disease.

But if basic altruism isn't enough of a reason for you to shout this news from the rooftops and demand that your government renew its support of HIV\AIDS research, maybe you'll appreciate what Bill Hicks had to say on the subject.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Andre the Dildo

I haven't really been giving this blog the kind of love and attention that it deserves.

Sorry, fans. I've let you down. I've got a few rants in the pipe that need polishing, but it might be next week before those get polished enough to be posted.

So, to tide you over until then, I'm going to share with you a piece of something I've been working on.

The following is an excerpt from my doomed to fail vampire novel (yes, I'm writing a vampire novel. Shut up.)

The chapter you're about to read comes from the middle of the book, but I think it stands on its own enough for you to pick up the plot and it brings the funny.



Here’s the back story on Andre the Dildo.

He’s a human dildo. Enough said.

Oh, what? You want the long version. Fair enough, you bought the book and all.

Andre the Dildo is the world’s one and only vampire hunter. And yes, he’s serious about that. He’s got the business cards and everything. Never mind the fact that Lizzard is the one and only human being who’s ever been publicly outted as having a nutritional dependency on human blood and an allergy to sunlight so severe that he will actually burst into flames. Never mind that Lizzard has never taken blood from a human without consent or killed anyone. Never mind that he’s the only one the general public knows of with that condition and that apart from having an unlisted number he’s not really in hiding from anyone. There’s actually a lunatic out there who claims it’s his profession to “hunt” people with Lizzard’s condition.

Needless to say, Lizzard hates this guy’s guts. The harassment he’s suffered from Andre the Dildo hasn’t been as whole hearted as the that he’s suffered from some of the radical Christian groups out there, but it has definitely been annoying. Andre’s idea of hunting Lizzard apparently includes posting gay sex ads online including Lizzard’s real phone number, going through his trash and occasionally trying to murder him in public. Once Andre tried to stab him with a wooden stake, but between the fact that the stake was a number two pencil and Andre was too nervous to give a proper stabbing, the pencil just broke against Lizzard’s chest. That time Lizzard got rid of the scared-shitless little wonk by telling him to fuck off. The other time Andre tried to kill him was on the subway when Andre tried to wrestle Lizzard’s hood and day shirt off him to expose him to sunlight. This actually frightened Lizzard to the point that he broke Andre’s arm in two places and then, inexplicably felt bad about it afterwards. Bad enough that he declined to press charges, but not bad enough to stop him from filing a restraining order against the turd.

Truth be told, Lizzard hated the living shit out of Andre the Dildo long before he came down with his condition.

Andre the Dildo earned his nickname simply enough. Despite the fact that he held no more personality, intelligence, basic social skills, physical attractiveness or physical hygiene than the piece of dead plastic that shared his moniker, a staggering number of women and a men enjoyed having him inside them.

Any and every habit one might consider a hindrance in the pursuit of nubile, young posterior of either gender was demonstrated by Andre the Dildo on a fairly regular basis. And yet, more people slept with Andre in a given week than some professional basketball players experience throughout the course of their careers. The most aggravating detail about Andre was that most of the people who fucked him didn’t seem to know why they’d done it. None of them ever agreed to ever having liked the man, even a little, before or during and sure as fuck not after the act itself. Not a single one of them that Lizzard had spoken to could give a credible reason as to why they had dropped trou for the Dildo nor could they point to a single thing they enjoyed about the their session with him.

Missy once confessed to having gone to bed with Andre. Once Lizzard stopped choking on his own tongue he allowed her to fill him in on the gory detail.

“He was constantly sweating,” Missy told Lizzard. “And that big hairy belly kept rubbing up against me. It was like fucking a walrus. Oh, and he drooled. At first I thought it was sweat until later when I had the lights on and I saw actual goddamn saliva leaking out of that stupid stroke victim looking face that he gets when he’s horny. After that I insisted on being on top. Oh, and the kicker, once we were past the foreplay stage he started sticking his thumb in me. Over and over. At this point I’m good and warmed up and just ready to just get it over with. I kept yelling at him to fuck me already. And he screams like a little kid, `Dumb cunt! I fucking am fucking you!’ So, I reach over and turn on the lamp and, sure enough, that was his cock the whole time. Seriously, I have no idea why I did that.”

“So why did you?” Lizzard asked.

“I don’t know,” She replied with a shrug. “I was horny. He was there and he had the balls to go for it.”

“Yeah, but there had to be other guys around that night. Why him?”

“I don’t know. I…” she paused. Her eyes got wide. “…I really…don’t…know.”

Although Lizzard has never heard a reason why anyone would go to bed with Andre, he’s heard more than enough reasons not to go to bed with Andre. These reasons include but are not limited to the following; the aforementioned lack of hygiene, nose picking, verbal abuse of friends and strangers with a Tourette’s-like suddenness (Once when asked if he wanted carnitas in his burrito he once screamed at a girl working the counter at a Mexican restaurant that, “I don’t fucking speak Del Taco, bitch!”), being a bit of a racist, an affinity with, and obsession for, role playing games of every kind, and a tendency to walk around believing himself a vampire hunter\paranormal consultant.

The delusional reckoning behind that last one alone should be enough of a built in cock-block to ensure a mobile three mile “abstinence only” radius around Andre the Dildo, but no. Every day claims a new victim who wanders into the Dildo’s space and is sorry they did. Lizzard has a theory that Andre generates a force field like Omega Red in the X-Men comics. But instead of sucking life out of his victims, Andre’s force field takes away reasoning, discretion and self-respect. He imagines that when Andre tries to get in some one’s pants their internal dialogue goes something like;

“Holy shit, Andre the Dildo is trying to fuck me. Do I really wanna fuck Andre the Dildo?

“I don’t know. Do we really have a reason to live anyway?

“Good point. Tell the bartender we need shots and condoms.”

Naturally, Lizzard has always hated Andre the Dildo even before Andre started “hunting” him. How a human being of such objectionable caliber could walk ass-backward into so much free tail was a vexing thing for Lizzard, who experienced a number sexual exploits that could be described as inconsistent during a good year. Every time he encountered Andre his mind flashed, not on the countless man hours of dedicated harassment and scorn he’d suffered from this man, but on “the incident” that he and his friends had tacitly agreed to dub “that one time at Clappers.”

Ok, so, this one time at Clappers, Lizzard and a few of the guys from the Pub are hanging out having a few beers when three drunk girls walk in. One of the girls, inebriated beyond any semblance of consent or reasoning, falls three steps into the door skinning her knee. Her friends pick her up and set her on a bar stool gingerly, like they’re trying to balance a wobbly stack of coffee cups on a fence post in high wind. They order their drunk friend an ice water and then go off to do whatever they went off to do.

The second the more sober members of the trio depart Andre the Dildo appears, seemingly from nowhere, and takes a seat next to the equilibrium challenged female.

“Jesus, I didn’t even know he was here,” Sheriff said. “He’s like a creepy, molester ninja.”
Andre and the drunk girl were a good distance away, so Lizzard and friends couldn’t hear what the two talked about. But they were able to observe Andre, obviously as drunk as the girl he was talking to, wave his arms and pound his fist on the bar as whatever conversation they were having got heated.

“I’ll bet twenty it’s got something to do with unrealistic depiction of trolls in a certain Buffy episode,” Missy put out there.

About ten minutes into their conversation “the incident” occurred. The incident would haunt all who witnessed it forever. Missy, who by that time had actually experienced the Dildo in all his glory, would be the most traumatized by the event and soon after left Clappers to go home, hide under the covers and softly weep while reciting a personal vow to, from that day forth, always use her vagina for good and never for evil.

Andre, in the midst of an apparently passionate bit of monologue, stops, looks sick, puffs his cheeks like he’s got a bad cough, then proceeds to lean forward and vomit directly into his own half-full pint glass of Budweiser.

Pay attention. That’s not the incident. The incident comes after.

Once the last chunky bit have finished coming up Andre goes back to talking to the girl like nothing happened. The girl for her part continues to nod and grin politely. She doesn’t seem to notice that anything just happened. A couple more minutes into this conversation the unthinkable happens. Andre lifts his glass to his lips…

…and drinks.

Not just a sip, either. He takes a serious pull on his puke filled beer and continues his one sided rant.

No, don’t stop reading there. We’re just getting to the good part. The incident that scarred the corneas of all present comes next.

Andre keeps drinking his beer as he talks the ear off this sweet, pretty girl who has quite obviously drank herself down to the mental equivalent of a half bright cabbage. At one moment her eyes come into focus and she glares at Andre with a fierce intensity and Lizzard thinks to himself that this is it. She’s sobered up a little and now she’s going to go find her friends and say it’s time to go home alone and sans douche-bag. Instead the even more unthinkable happens.

The girl reaches over, grabs the back of Andre’s head and pulls him into a kiss so deep and hard that her tongue must be looking to taste his spleen.

Then the two walk out of the bar hand-in-hand.

“I’m confused,” Sheriff said. “Some one explain to me how that just happened.”

“I think I’m gonna be sick,” Missy said.

“I can’t tell you how much I hate that guy,” Lizzard said.

That’s Andre the Dildo.

Monday, November 22, 2010

The TSA Caberet

Found via Boing Boing. This video has already been re-posted enough times to cause a server crash, but it's awesome enough to re-post here.

In an act of protest against the TSA's policy of using invasive, cancer inducing body scanners, pornographer/sex worker/sex blogger, Furrygirl puts on her prettiest see through undies, stows a hidden camera in her bag, walks into the Seattle airport and tells the security wonk that she'll take the grope down over the body scan.

Side note; this protest isn't just some immature activist showing off. Those scanners can deliver as much as 20 times the dose of radiation the TSA actually claims. Pay attention; those machines are not good for you.

It's an awesome stunt by Furrygirl, but sadly the hidden camera trick doesn't play out as well as I'd hoped. For the latter part of the video the camera stares vacantly at the terminal ceiling, picking up the odd bit of conversation among clearly uncomfortable TSA agents and denying perverts like me of any glorious nudity. She would have been better off bringing a friend with a secondary hidden camera, but, hey fuck it, the whole stunt bristles with enough fuck-you-ness to put a big damn grin on my face.

My TSA Stripdown: Nov 21 at Seatac from Furry Girl's on Vimeo.

Hmmm...A TSA themed brothel where customers are aggressively groped and humiliated by the hot security guard of their choosing? Not only would I be a client, I'd be company president.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Voting: A Masocist's Pursuit

I do happen to be one of those cynical bastards who thinks that voting these days has devolved into a popularity contest among which corporations we want taken care of. It's true. The pricks on the ticket work for the companies that paid a few million for their campaign, not the people whose lives are affected by the laws they pass.

Still, it was not for that reason, but rather a recent move which left my voter registration up in the air. As much as I'd like to have voted today, I didn't have the fifty bucks to hop on a bus back to St. Louis where I am currently registered.

But the fact that I didn't vote isn't going to stop me from bitching about how things turned out.

Suck it.

Monday, November 1, 2010


I think I frightened some people by laughing at this video in public. It's from an article by David Wong about how the world is so supremely fucked by stupid people that all you can really do is try and squeeze a laugh out of watching it burn. The only sad part of the article is the subtle realization that those stupid people we're talking about, yeah, they're us.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


My little buddy Rachael, who is currently employed at Locus Mag (the job that should be rightfully mine) found this. I thought it was worth reposting here.

Monday, October 11, 2010

I heart whiskey. I heart whiskey all over whiskey's face. and a buddy are at a bar swilling whiskey with our beers and, like a couple kids asking for five more minutes to sleep before going to school, we decide to beg the bartender for one more shot even though it's well past the cut off point and the bartender announces, much to our manly pride, that even if she could serve us we have already drank all the Jameson in the establishment.

Last thing I remember I'm berating the owner of the bar for his failure to appease the needs of his Irish-American patrons and outlining the possible downfalls of his clearly racist behavior while using a Marine Corps issue K-Bar fighting knife as a visual aid.

I get the impression that my point of argument is taken with begrudging respect just before I black out.

I regain consciousness three days later to find myself with a bloodstained sheriff's badge pinned through my nipple while I'm urinating into the upturned vagina of a Kappa Kappa Ki sorority girl with a tattoo on the small of her back that read, "This Too Shall Pass." Meanwhile, I'm thinking to myself that I understood why there was a goat in the hotel room, but who was the sick bastard who nailed all the gerbils to the wall?

Ahhh! If only I could be as young as I was.

As young as I was earlier this afternoon.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Glenn Beck VS. Donald Duck

It's funny. Some people might actually need this Donald Duck cartoon to understand what's wrong about Glenn Beck.

Found at Boing Boing

Monday, September 27, 2010

Segway to DOOM!

The guy who owns the Segway company just died...on a segway.

I'm going to go off and hate myself for laughing at that.

You all insert your jokes in the comment section.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Whiskey Dome is currently on hiatus pending a fairly massive shit-getting-together operation on behalf of the author. Normal stupidity will resume shortly. In the mean time...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Yes, That is Exactly What You Think It Is.

Yep, Necronomicox. Exactly what it looks like. Personally, I'm a fan of the Cthulucox. But solely for decorative purposes, of course. I do however want to meet the girl who owns a gangrenous Zombi-cock in her bedside drawer. I know you're out there, honey, call me.
Found at

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Hello, Potential Mate!

So I've decided to give the online dating thing a try again. I'm trying to write a decent "About Me" blurb for these social network sites, but I keep hitting a wall. I think the problem lies in my inherent inability to take anything seriously ever. So I going to post my three best personal ads here you guys can vote in the comment section which one you think will most likely attract the woman of my mostly silent bathroom time contemplations.

1. Hello, Potential Mate.

After my last girlfriend dumped me I was a tad bitter and on one occasion I announced that I would like to invent an explosive condom for suicide bombers. Unfortunately, I was at the airport when I made this comment. So, I've spent the last four years in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba trying to explain that I was just kidding. During that time I learned many fun and interesting things; airports habitually screen their employees for a sense of humor so as to avoid hiring any actual humans; that Obama guy was full of shit; and I learned that despite what I previously thought about myself, I am not a dog person. Now that I'm free I'm looking to move on with my life. My ideal woman must not be prone to sudden movements, must not own a dog, must promise not to ruin the ending of Lost for me.

2. Yo, Bitches,

My name is Icepick McGoldenPenis. I got that name because I give women orgasms so goddamn stupid good that they often lapse into vegetative states. Don't fuckin' ask me about the Terry Schivo case, yo, I don't know nothin' bout that shit. But, truth, straight up, between my great big dick and the fact that I make damn near a grand an hour doin' this blog bullshit means you wanna get with me and I get to treat you like somethin' I'm gonna wipe with cause that's just how it is when you're with some one as badass as me. And don't go kiddin' yo'selves, you bitches love a muthafucka that's gonna treat you like a chump beggin fo' change on the street. How else did Mel Gibson and Woody Allen and the entire goddamn rap community get so much tail? And don't even get me started on that stupid fucking "Seduction" wave community. Fuck those guys. "Hey, my name is Mystery. Doesn't that make you want to take your pants off?" Dude, fuck you and die. Your ability to put your penis inside the the mentally challenged is not something that makes you a hero in my eyes. So please do the world a favor and try fucking a blender set to frappe. But yeah, Ladies I'm a really nice guy. Please sleep with me. I'm so lonely.

3. Hello Pretty Lady,

My name is Dorian Dwarfchaser and I'm a tenth level elf mage on Guardians of the Sacred Muffin. Despite what my older brother, Icepick McGoldenPenis, says I really do like girls. A lot. I like girls so much that sometimes when I see one I make a ten point dream cache in my spiderman underpants. I really like girls. So, if you want to get with a guy who really likes girls hit me up. Please hit me up. I have full DVD collections of Star Wars, Star Trek, Stargate, Lord of the Rings and every copy of everything staring Ron Jeremy and Steven Seagal. If you do want to hit me up please understand that you must be a at least eighth level or higher on some kind of MMRPG or an OOCGISSTNOWECAE (Obviously Over Complicated Game Involving Stupid Shit That No One Will Ever Care About Ever).

Saturday, August 21, 2010

On Danger

In my last post I referred to Daisy Danger's blog as porn. That was wrong. I often bang these posts out through a drunken haze and I actually kind of feel bad for that slip up.

She doesn't write porn. Sure, her writing will make you horny and if it doesn't you really need to have that thing looked at by a medical professional, but it's not porn. I don't think it even counts as erotica. Her writing is an elegant, bare bones snapshot of human experience lived by a woman who probably never learned how to flinch at anything.

I think I fall a little more in love with that girl with every post.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

New Shit

New additions to the BRILIANCIES sidebar you should all be reading.

First off Daisy Danger. Yeah, it's porn. But who can't get enough porn. Especially when it's the expertly written true life sexual escapade of a girl I should have met in college and would still like to.

Next, The Rude Pundit, think of this guy as the Anti-Glenn Beck or Jon Stewart with a double barreled shotgun and a chainsaw for a hand. Hard-edged progressive writing that laughs at you and calls you a pussy for asking for a little lube with that massive cock of TRUTH!!!

RiotClitShave is probably the best photoblog I've encountered on the net to date.

And, of course, Kung Fu Monkey is screenwriting wisdom and brilliance from the man who brought you Leverage. And if you aren't watching Leverage, fuck you.

How could I forget? Weaponizer is a UK website devoted to science fiction prose, comics, art, music and general coolness. If you need a barometer of just how cool the nice folks at Weaponizer are so cool they actually published ME!

6 Ways to Make Your Server Put His Balls in Your Soup

Hi, I’m Dr. Louball and I’ll be your server this evening. Before we get started you should be aware of a few rules of restaurant etiquette that most casual diners are not aware of. These aren’t so much “rules” per se, but more like cause and effect situations you never noticed before.

  1. If you complain that the soup is too cold, I’m going to take it back to the kitchen and dip my balls in it to see if that’s true. Most times it’s not, but we don’t serve the soup that hot to begin with, so the most I have to fear by doing this is toasty, warm balls, which feels kinda nice and I recommend you try it sometime. If you’re right and it is too cold I’ll give it thirty seconds in the microwave and bring it back to you. Don’t think you’re going to get off easy if you tell a female server that the soup is cold. Female servers are typically much more clever and vicious than their be-balled counterparts. They’ll work something out. The lesson; Just eat your fucking soup.
  2. If you come to my restaurant when it’s crowded and you happen to be in my way and you happen to be standing less than a foot and half away and if I still have to say “excuse me” three or more times before your fat ass gets out of my way, please understand that you have fucked up in a way that you can’t fuck back down. In this instance The Ancient Law of the Restaurant states that when we next meet I get to throw a claw hammer at your genital region from fifteen paces. And I’ve been practicing with my claw hammer.
  3. If you are with a large group or any group on a busy day and you ask for separate checks you have no soul. Split checks are the devil, just ask Bobby Boucher’s mom. They are the devil and people who ask for them are the devil’s earthbound subhuman whores doomed to wander the earth, constantly annoying real people with their blatant refusal to learn basic arithmetic.
  4. If you complain that something is taking to long, even if it is taking to long, I get to fuck your mom in the mouth. If your mom’s dead, that only means you have to watch. Don’t ever think that your time is more valuable than my time, fucko. I’m working right now. You are sitting in a restaurant. If your time was so damn valuable, you’d have packed a lunch so you could work while you were eating. So quit your bitching, put your food in your face when I bring it to you and get the fuck out of my life happy in the knowledge that you got to spend one hour of your life not having to get out of chair to get things.
  5. If you have any comment to make about me, my appearance or the way I do my job that is anything other than one hundred percent complimentary…well, best just to keep it to yourself. No. I won’t do anything to you for opening your gaping maw to whine about a subject so trivial as whether the server serves with his right or his left. That’s only because I won’t have to. If you’re one of those people, then your life is already more sad and empty then mine ever will be. And I’m a fucking server.
  6. If you don’t tip or tip badly don’t come back. A lot of people feel that they are justified in leaving a shitty tip if the service they received was not up to their exacting expectations. This is not the case. A tip isn’t something you do to be polite and it’s not your personal license to judge me. It’s my pay for the work that I do. How would you feel if your boss came to you and said, “Well, Dave, I gotta say you were a little slow with those TPS reports this week so we’ll only be giving you half a paycheck…mmm-kay?” That’s right, you would spend a month trying to clean your boss’s hair and skin tissue out from under your fingernails. The mere fact that you as a customer are allowed to judge my worth, and therefore my pay and I don’t get to do the same to you when I’m buying a blowjob behind Seven-Eleven, is a sign that we live in a world so oblivious to the concept of fairness and logic it makes Ted Kaczynski look like Atticus Finch. Please remember, if you stiff a server on a tip and then return to that restaurant you will be remembered and you will be fucked with. Service industry folk hold grudges like the mafia and pursue vendetta with the sneaky sideways persistence of a dick punched T-1000. To illustrate the point a secret poll of service industry personnel revealed that, in 2009, the average habitual non-tipping customer unknowingly consumed at least a third of their body weight in fluids and substances so horrible that when the survey results were published Jeffery Dhamer shit his pants from the grave and gently wept until three prison inmates beat him back to death.

There. I hope that was helpful. This has been Dr. Louball saying, mind your fucking manners.

The Weekly Awesome

Found at the very awesome photoblog Riotclitshave

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Midgets Lead by Dwarves

Neat little letter by Iggy Pop to a journalist at Plazm magazine in 1995. I liked the line about how "America is a nation of midgets lead by dwarves."

I found this at Letters of Note which covers obscure correspondence by people who were anything but.

Example; a letter to a fan and aspiring scribe by Kurt Vonnegut that almost made me a little misty eyed, and a letter by James Dean to his girl back home right before he died.

Monday, August 9, 2010

If They Did Porn

If Myley Cyrus did a porno it would be titled "There Will Be Blood."

If Bill O'Riely did a porno it would be titled "Doin' It Live."

If Glenn Beck did a porno...hmm, no wait, they did that one. "Two girls, one cup."

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Here's to What's-Her-Name.

I haven't actually completed my first novel yet, but I did write the acknowledge page. Have a gander.


Normally, when an author publishes a groundbreaking piece of work for which he was paid an obscene amount of money he says thank you to all the people who helped him make it happen. If I were anything resembling a decent human being I would do that now.

If I had any kind of moral compass I would dedicate this book to Mom and Dad and thank them for not noticing the hole in the condom and for changing their minds at the last minute and pulling me out of the dumpster after prom let out.

I would thank the writers group members who edited my work and hardly ever complained about the improvised spelling techniques I pioneered or the fact that many of my chapters were hand written in crayon and submitted on the flesh of non-tipping customers who disappeared from my restaurant.

I would thank the staff at the pub where I wrote my novel. These people where troopers who supplied me with endless coffee refills, wrapped me in blankets when they found me crying in a corner, offered first aid and defibrilation when applicable and who were very consistent about telling nosy customers to ignore the screaming from the back room.

I would thank the staff of the publishing house for reading my book and then rescinding their threat to notify the Department of Homeland Security after the incident known as the "Suicide Thong Debacle." What a misunderstanding that was.

But I'm a small and petty man. So I won't be dedicating this book to any of those people.

I'm going to dedicate this book to Julie Ann Hoffman. Ahhh, Julie. Julie, Julie, Julie.

She was a hell of a girl. Smart, beautiful, funny. She could pound whisky with the strength of ten men and held a champion title in seven Bum Fight videos. I once told her I loved her over a Tupperware dish of homemade prison hooch we'd made in her bathtub. She responded by peeing on herself, vomiting in my shoes and stealing three of my CDs before driving off to have a threesome with my best friend and a highway patrolman. Then she broke up with me.

Last I heard anything about Julie she was waiting tables so she could save up to by a new prosthetic leg after she lost the old one when the guy she left me for hit her with his car when she questioned him about some suspicious looking hoo-ha sores.

If you're reading this, Julie, I just want you to know that I'll be thinking of you every time I count all the fat little zeros that come after the fat little number on my royalty check.

What are you doing these days, baby? Still dating the line cooks at Deny's?

Heh, heh, heh...

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Dr. LouBall Speaks!

Every once in awhile one of my friends forgets how horrifically bad at dating I am and asks me for advice.

Silly bastards. I really am that bad. Months go by, a thin coating of dust begins to form on my towering, painful erection that has maintained itself well past the four hour mark.

"Where's the rifle? Where's the tower? Where's the rifle? Where's the tower?" I repeat over and over like a Buddhist chant.

Then this drops into my email.

(Names have been changed to protect the "innocent." And I only added those quotation marks around the word "innocent" because I can't figure out how to capitalize quotation marks. Bold type is me, the rest is all Slutty.)

Dear Dr. LouBall

My name is Slutty McHornyAsFuck. I was recently seeing a man I affectionately refered to as Metal Dick Nixon because of the sixteen gauge Prince's Wand he wore in his penis (Here's what one of those looks like if you're curious.) This was an impressive piercing on an otherwise unnotable member. I'm talking small, small on a Saturday Night Live level of comedic hilariousness. But for some reason that big steel beam crammed down his pee hole was a massive turn on.

In addition to the wand he also had a scrotum three times the normal size. This was due to a hernia he suffered fifteen years ago and never bothered to have corrected. The hernia caused his large intestines to sag down into his sack making it bulge abnormally. Yes, before you ask, his balls were full of shit.

Me and Metal Dick dated for about a month before he started acting like a standard issue douche bag. He starts standing me up, never calls, he's always drunk. Long story short, I dumped his ass. I don't regret dumping him, but for some reason I can't stop seeing that fucked up package when I close my eyes. I think the problem lies in the fact that while I was seeing him we only ever fooled around. The fooling around was nice and freaky. He liked to have his ass beat bloody with a Silver Surfer riding crop while I screamed, "Tell me you'd suck Jack Kirby's cock, bitch! You know you would!"

All that was fun, but he and I never did get around to any actual intercourse. Now I can't stop thinking about the little freak. What should I do? Tell me, Doctor, should I track him down and bang him just to get him out of my system? Also, when are you going to give me my passport back?

Yours truly,
Slutty McHornyAsFuck

First of all, Slutty, I'd just like to say something to your boy Metal Dick. Dude, you are the Iron-Pee-Holed savior of the underendowed male everywhere. The lesson little men can learn from you is "Got a little dick? No worries. Upgrades available."

As for you, Slutty, all I can say is REALLY??? This is the guy you wish you'd boned. That's kinda sad really. I mean, the simple fact that he didn't fuck you when he had the chance implies to me that we're not really talking about a straight male human being but rather some government experiment that has escaped into the wild, Wolverine style, with an adamantium, if albeit, small cock.

But if you're really that hung up on the idea of polishing that knob I can go ahead and you're bent out of shape that it's not happening I'll go ahead and fill you in on how it would have gone down if you had fucked him.

You two would have fucked. You’d have been too drunk to use a condom and he would have been on top. Since you’re both freaks, he would have been hitting it way too hard. His intestine-filled balls would have been slapping against your upturned ass with such ferocity that at some point his hernia would rupture without him (or you) knowing it.

So when he eventually came he would just be spewing ounce after ounce of feces soaked semen into your womb as he slowly and painfully died of sepsis, which you would naturally mistake for a very intense orgasm until his cold, dead corpse sprawled across you in your ankles-to-earlobes position. Then you spend hours trying to get out from under him so you can call the cops.

Then nine months later, after your vaginal canal has rotted to the point where it’s not so much a hole as a spot in a bowl of warm tomato soup that some one is blowing in, his child crawls out on it’s six tentacles and slithers off to start its own show on Fox News which will look something like this. So, that said, Slutty, are you still sorry you didn’t get a chance to fuck that dude?

I thought not.

Glad I could help.


Doctor Fuckin' LouBall

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

As if I wasn't in love with Eva Mendez enough.

So, lately the internet has been all abuzz with rumors of an Eva Mendez sex tape.

Then, this pops up.

I love that girl.

It `tis a silly place.

Some famous New Yorker once said of his city, "Anyone who lives anywhere else has got to be kidding."

Well, I've lived in St. Louis, Missouri for almost three years now and I've got something to say about that, Mr. New Yorker.

You're absolutely fuckin' RIGHT! I've never been to New York so I can't comment on that city's awesomness or lack thereof, but as far as St. Louis goes the above quote hits the nail on the dick.
Check out this nifty little graph from River Front Times. Pay special attention to the bits that list, Angriest, Craziest, Dangerous and most Gonorrhea having-est. You'll see where I'm going here.

This place sucks! What am doing here? I've been out of my apartment for since 10:30 this morning and so far today four people have asked me for change and cigarettes, two others asked if I had me some JEEE-sus in my life, one pulled up in a black windowless van and offered me candy that looked suspiciously like prescription pharmaceuticals and then a woman named Charanda tried to stab me in the face with a broken crack pipe while screaming "Fuck you, Carl!"
And Charanda was a cop.

What's really bass-ackwardly fucked is that none of the random street shitheads I encountered tried to sell me drugs. If anyone of them had, I would be feeling so much better about my day. I mean, whatever happened to crack? They still have crack, right?

If some one had offered me some crack today then by the time Charanda rolled up on me I would have been all, "Yeah, baby, fuck Carl. That guys a douche."

(I still don't know who Carl is, but he probably is a douche. "Carl" is essentially a douchy name. Carl. Hi, I'm CARL. Fuck your mom, Carl.)

Right, so, anyway. Welcome to my new blog, WHISKEY DOME. Shiny, n'est-ce pas? This is where I will be dropping my insane rantings, unintelligible gibberish, philosophical musings, reviews on whatever cultural flotsam wanders into my gun sights and a bunch of other crap I made up.

AND there shall be Whiskey!

Buckle up, bitches!