Thursday, January 27, 2011

Things I Can See From Here

It happens every damn time. I come to the coffee shop to get some work done and I end up playing on the Internet. It's my crack. These are the highlights of my browsing session.

First off, yes I realize that this highlight reel to the Tamil film ROBOT, found at Warren Ellis's place, is not in English or even subtitled. Shut up. You don't need it to be. Just watch. If you don't hear your inner five-year-old giggling maniacally half way through, then...I don't know. You're a lost cause. Kill yourself.

Oh, and speaking of five-year-olds here's one with his own webcomic. AXE COP is the story of AXE COP, the COP with a motherfucking AXE, motherfucker! AXE COP began when 5 year old Malachai Nicholle invited his brother, 29 year old comic artist Ethan Nicolle, to play Axe Cop over a Christmas visit. The game turned into a webcomic that young Malachai still scripts while big brother Ethan draws. AXE COP is a subtle reminder that within the mind of every 5-year-old is a serial killer, a cocaine snorting chimpanzee and Quentin Tarantino. It's also undiluted awesomeness on the page. Watch AXE COP defeat a giant robot by hitting it in the head with a baby! See AXE COP fight aliens while riding a flying Tyrannosaurus Rex with Gatling gun arms. Just go read AXE COP. And buy all their crap.


I'm kinda weird in the respect that I like movies about a bunch of normal guys walking through hellish landscapes that try to kill them every ten steps or so. That said, I'm seein' this. Who's with me?

Finally, "How to Make a Trillion Dollars" is a short article on It seemed to brighten my day a bit which isn't an easy trick. I can't wait to read more by this writer. He may not be a revolutionary philosopher but definitely a philosopher for the revolution.

"The Man does what he does because he doesn’t know any better — he’s an addict himself, with poor life skills."

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