Monday, November 22, 2010

The TSA Caberet

Found via Boing Boing. This video has already been re-posted enough times to cause a server crash, but it's awesome enough to re-post here.

In an act of protest against the TSA's policy of using invasive, cancer inducing body scanners, pornographer/sex worker/sex blogger, Furrygirl puts on her prettiest see through undies, stows a hidden camera in her bag, walks into the Seattle airport and tells the security wonk that she'll take the grope down over the body scan.

Side note; this protest isn't just some immature activist showing off. Those scanners can deliver as much as 20 times the dose of radiation the TSA actually claims. Pay attention; those machines are not good for you.

It's an awesome stunt by Furrygirl, but sadly the hidden camera trick doesn't play out as well as I'd hoped. For the latter part of the video the camera stares vacantly at the terminal ceiling, picking up the odd bit of conversation among clearly uncomfortable TSA agents and denying perverts like me of any glorious nudity. She would have been better off bringing a friend with a secondary hidden camera, but, hey fuck it, the whole stunt bristles with enough fuck-you-ness to put a big damn grin on my face.

My TSA Stripdown: Nov 21 at Seatac from Furry Girl's on Vimeo.

Hmmm...A TSA themed brothel where customers are aggressively groped and humiliated by the hot security guard of their choosing? Not only would I be a client, I'd be company president.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Voting: A Masocist's Pursuit

I do happen to be one of those cynical bastards who thinks that voting these days has devolved into a popularity contest among which corporations we want taken care of. It's true. The pricks on the ticket work for the companies that paid a few million for their campaign, not the people whose lives are affected by the laws they pass.

Still, it was not for that reason, but rather a recent move which left my voter registration up in the air. As much as I'd like to have voted today, I didn't have the fifty bucks to hop on a bus back to St. Louis where I am currently registered.

But the fact that I didn't vote isn't going to stop me from bitching about how things turned out.

Suck it.

Monday, November 1, 2010


I think I frightened some people by laughing at this video in public. It's from an article by David Wong about how the world is so supremely fucked by stupid people that all you can really do is try and squeeze a laugh out of watching it burn. The only sad part of the article is the subtle realization that those stupid people we're talking about, yeah, they're us.